September 10, 2021
You’ve been angry at your spouse all day, not making eye contact and ignoring his questions. Yet he seems completely oblivious. At the end of the day, you confront him about the situation, and he seems shocked. “I didn’t even know you were angry with me,” he protests. And as hard as it may be
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September 7, 2021
Retention, comprehension and potential to learn are all undermined by stress and anxiety. We are all familiar with the term "test anxiety," and have all experienced that feeling of not being able to concentrate because of stress. How stress affects brain performance Stress hormones affect our memory and cognition. When we get upset, our cortisol
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September 1, 2021
In the beginning of your child’s life, your importance as his mother is without parallel. You are the first love object and the pattern or model for all other love relations. It is you who feeds, comforts, loves, and in general, meets the needs of your baby. When your baby is one, he has a difficult time seeing you as separate from
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August 26, 2021
If you are like me, you are wondering what is happening on college campuses. The easy answer is education. But, that is no longer the sole purpose of the university experience. Parents recognize that today, activism has become not only a force for change on college campuses, but actually, a subject to be graded.
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August 24, 2021
As your child’s most important teacher, it is your job to create an environment that is not only secure, but rich with printed letters and numbers as well as physical objects he can observe and manipulate. These tools can help him develop the cognitive and emotional skills that in turn contribute to intellectual, emotional, and
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